How to Edit Excel File using Node.js

This short tutorial explains the process of how to edit Excel file using Node.js. It contains the instructions to set the development environment, a list of steps to be performed to accomplish the task, and a runnable sample code to update Excel spreadsheet using Node.js. You will learn to edit data, formulas, and other types of data without using MS Excel or any other third-party tool.

Steps to Update Excel Sheet using Node.js

  1. Set the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to edit the Excel file
  2. Load the source Excel file using the Workbook class object
  3. Access the target sheet and get the reference to the cells collection for modification
  4. Access the target cell and set its value
  5. Access some other cell and change its formula
  6. Update the sheet after changing the formula and save the resultant Excel file

These steps summarize the process to update Excel file using Node.js. To accomplish this task, you need to load the source Excel file, access the target sheet and access the collection of cells in this sheet for editing data and formulas. Once the data and formulas are changed, you need to refresh the workbook so that changes in data and formulas are reflected throughout the spreadsheet.

Code to Update Excel Sheet Automatically using Node.js

This sample code demonstrates the process of editing an Excel spreadsheet using Node.js. The setValue() method is used for updating the data in a cell and setFormula() method is used to update formulas followed by calling the calculateFormula() method from the Workbook class to update all the sheets which are affected due to data and formula changes. Note that you can update other advanced types of content also like changing the charts, slicers, tables, ranges, shapes, and sparklines to name a few.

This brief tutorial has taught us to update Excel workbook using Node.js. If you want to learn the process to create an Excel file in Node.js, refer to the article on how to create Excel file in Node.js.
