This quick tutorial guides on how to create Excel file using Node.js. It has the installation guide, a list of steps, and a runnable sample code to write to Excel file using Node.js. This code can be executed in any of the environments containing the support for the required modules mentioned in the installation guide.
Steps to Create New Excel File using Node.js
- Set the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java
- Create a workbook and access the target sheet
- Access the collection of cells from the selected sheet
- Fill data in the sheet using the cells collection
- Save the workbook
These steps summarize the process of how to create an Excel spreadsheet using Node.js. Firstly, it provides the instructions to set the environment for testing the code followed by creating a workbook and accessing the first worksheet to insert data. In the subsequent steps, the putValue() method is called for each target cell and a value is set as per the requirement.
Code to Create Excel File using Node.js
This sample code demonstrates how to make an Excel spreadsheet using Node.js. All the required namespaces are imported in the beginning and later data is written the default sheet in the workbook. You may create more sheets by calling the add() method in the WorksheetCollection class and entering data in a loop or accessing from some external sources if required.
This article has taught us how to generate Excel file using Node.js. If you want to learn the process to update an existing workbook, refer to the article on how to edit Excel file using Node.js.