How to Convert HTML to PDF using Java

This quick tutorial provides information on how to convert HTML to PDF using Java. It shares all the details to set the development environment, a step-wise list of tasks for writing the application, and a runnable simple code to convert HTML file to PDF using Java. A few options are also discussed to customize the loading of the source HTML file before converting it to a PDF file.

Steps to Generate PDF from HTML using Java

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.PDF for Java to produce PDF from an HTML file
  2. Instantiate the HtmlLoadOptions class object to control the loading of the source HTML file
  3. Load the HTML file using the Document class object with the above options
  4. Save the output PDF file converted from the HTML file

These steps summarize the process to save HTML as PDF using Java. Firstly, a HtmlLoadOptions class object with default options to load an HTML file is declared. In the next steps, the source HTML file is loaded using the selected options and then saved as a PDF file using the save() method in the Document class.

Code to Convert HTML Page to PDF using Java

Here is the code that demonstrates the operation to change HTML to PDF using Java. It uses the HtmlLoadOptions object to control the loading of the source HTML file for instance you may set the flag to render the whole document to a single page, set page layout options, set HTML media type, set page info, and set custom loader of external resources. Moreover, once the source file is loaded into the Document class, it can be customized just like a normal PDF file by using all the methods and properties available in the Document class.

This topic has explained the process to transform a file from HTML to PDF using Java. If you want to learn the reverse process to convert a PDF file to HTML, refer to the article on how to convert PDF to HTML in Java.
