This tutorial explains how to convert GeoJSON to KML in C#. It has the detailed steps to write the application, the necessary information for setting the development environment, and a running code for developing a GeoJSON to KML converter in C#. You will learn different options to transform the GeoJSON file with custom or default settings.
Steps to Convert JSON to KML in C#
- Set the IDE to use Aspose.GIS for .NET to transform JSON to KML
- Check if the desired reference system is supported and declare a ConversionOptions object
- Initialize the ConversionOptions object and set its destination spatial reference system
- Use these options in the Convert method for the conversion
- If the desired reference system is not supported, convert with default settings
These steps define the programming steps for writing a converter for GeoJSON to KML in C#. First, check support for a particular spatial reference system and perform the conversion using the custom settings. Otherwise, convert files by providing the source file name and the destination file name in the VectorLayer.Convert() method.
Code to Convert GeoJSON to KML in C#
This code demonstrates a JSON to KML converter in C#. You can check the support from the spatial reference systems Etrs89, Etrs89LambertAzimuthalEqualArea, Etrs89LambertConformalConic, Nad83, Wgs84, etc. In this sample code, we have used two overloaded functions of the Convert() method, whereas you may try the other two options using source and destination FileDriver.
This article has taught us to develop a JSON KML converter in C#. To convert a GeoJSON file to a SHP file, refer to the article on how to convert GeoJSON to SHP in C#.