Add Borders in Excel using Python

This quick guide describes the process to add borders in Excel using Python. This article contains the resources required for the development, a list of steps to clarify the programming logic, and a runnable sample code showing how to make border in Excel using Python. You will also learn various options to customize the newly created borders.

Steps to Create a Border in Excel using Python

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java for adding borders
  2. Create a workbook and add some sample text in a cell
  3. Create a range of cells to add borders
  4. Make the border using the setOutlineBorders() method
  5. Autofit the columns to adjust the cell’s width and save the output file

These steps clarify how to create a border in Excel using Python. Initiate the process by loading an existing workbook with some data or creating a new workbook and adding some text in a cell. Finally, call the setOutlineBorders() method by providing the border type, and color.

Code to Add Borders in Excel using Python

This sample code demonstrates how to add borders in Excel using Python. You may define multiple ranges of cells comprising one or more cells and set different types of borders say DASH_DOT, DASH_DOT_DOT, THICK, and THIN. The method setOutlineBorders() has multiple overloads that you may use by providing border edge, style, and color according to the requirements.

This article has covered the process to add Excel cell border using Python. To add data validation in Excel, refer to the article on how to add data validation in Excel using Python.
