How to Convert XML to CSV using Java

This quick tutorial discusses how to convert XML to CSV using Java. It covers the environment configuration, stepwise algorithm, and a runnable code snippet to convert XML to CSV using Java. Besides, you do not need to install MS Excel or any other application to work with this feature in your environment.

Steps to Convert XML to CSV using Java

  1. Prepare the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Java to convert XML to CSV
  2. Initiate a Workbook class instance to load the input XML document
  3. Render the output CSV file from the input XML with the SaveFormat class

The steps above summarize the details to transform XML to CSV using Java. As a first step, the source XML document is loaded. Then the comma-separated file is rendered and written to a file path or a memory stream depending on your requirements.

Code to Transform XML to CSV using Java

This sample code is a minimal version to convert XML to CSV in Excel using Java. It simply loads the input XML document using the Workbook class. Subsequently, the save() method exports the output CSV file while specifying a value with the SaveFormat class. Furthermore, you can improvise this sample code to process specific rows or columns or validate any values before exporting the comma-separated file.

This article has explained how to export XML to CSV using Java. If you want to explore deleting columns in Excel then refer to the article on how to delete a column in Excel using Java.
