Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Java

This tutorial explains how to auto fit Excel using Java. It covers the IDE setup, a list of steps, and a runnable sample code to auto fit in Excel using Java. You will also understand how to autofit a particular row or column in the Excel sheet.

Steps to Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Java

  1. Set up the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Java to autofit rows and columns
  2. Get the input Excel file with the Workbook class object
  3. Access any particular worksheet with the Worksheet class using its index or name
  4. Then auto-fit the columns and rows
  5. Write the output autofit workbook using the Save method

The steps above elaborate on how to auto size cells in Excel using Java. Make a few API calls to access any particular sheet with the zero-based index or by mentioning the worksheet name. Next, autofit the rows/columns and render it as an Excel file.

Code to Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Java

This code snippet presents the overview of autofit Excel columns using Java. It resizes the row height to adjust the cell contents within the specific cell. You can also work with different overload methods like AutoFitRow(index) and AutoFitColumn(index) by passing the zero-based indexes to specify the row and column position according to your requirements.

This article has explained the details of autofit rows using Java. Refer to the article Wrap text in Excel using Java for wrapping text in Excel cells.
