How to Convert OBJ to PDF in Java

This short tutorial guides you on how to convert OBJ to PDF in Java. It has the details to set the development environment using the shared resources, a list of steps to write the program, and a runnable sample code to transform an OBJ to 3D PDF in Java. The output PDF file can be customized using the PdfSaveOptions class while saving the OBJ file as a PDF.

Steps to Convert OBJ to 3D PDF in Java

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.3D for Java from the Maven repository
  2. Load the 3D object file using a Scene class object
  3. Create an object of the PdfSaveOptions class object
  4. Set properties of the output PDF file using the PdfSaveOptions object
  5. Save the output PDF file with the custom settings in the PdfSaveOptions object

These steps summarize the process for converting 3D object to FBX using Java. The process requires loading the source OBJ file into the Scene class as it contains the basic features for the conversion to several formats. The customization of the output FBX file is possible using the FbxSaveOptions class object by setting different properties.

Code to Convert OBJ to PDF in Java

This code segment demonstrates a converter for OBJ to PDF 3D in Java. Mainly, the Scene class is utilized for loading the OBJ file as it provides features to customize it before converting it to other types say removing some property using the removeProperty() method, setting asset info, setting current animation clip, and setting the name. Similarly, the PdfSaveOptions class object supports setting auxiliary color, background color, embed textures, and encoding.

This basic tutorial gives an insight into changing file format from OBJ to PDF in Java. If you want to convert OBJ to FBX, refer to the article on how to convert OBJ to FBX using Java.
